Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Human Variability Social Science Datasets - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2717 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Type Research paper Level High school Did you like this example? Human Variability Social Science Datasets Human variability is an important component of social science datasets. How do social researchers account for this variability when drawing conclusions from data? Describe two situations in which the basis for these conclusions is undermined. Introduction The information contained in social science datasets aims to provide an accurate description of the social world (Byrne, 1998, p. 126). However individuals within any society are inherently highly variable due to human nature. The idea of humanness is something which Haslam et al. (2009, p. 55) suggest is ascribed to members of our species in a manner which is largely taken for granted. The notion of what defines humanness or human nature is somewhat tricky to define (Schein, 2010, p. 143). One way of simplifying human variability is to understand it in terms of its genetic basis. The human genome is constructed of more than 35 000 genes; with the exception of monozygotic twins, these are unlikely to be identical for any two individuals on the planet (Naylor Chen, 2010, p. 275). However variability is likely to be further exacerbated by the influence of social factors, as human nature is formed as a combination of these biological and social influences (Kundu, 2009, p. 16) . The concept of human nature and its underlying composition therefore opens up the notion of human variability. A general definition of variability would be â€Å"striking deviations from†¦patterns† where patterns are observed within a given population (Gould, 2004, p. 2). However, it would be argued that this very general definition of variability could be insufficient to describe human variability, as the concept of human nature already discussed would indicate that we are all different to one another, making it difficult to ascribe any general patterns (Gould, 2004, p. 5; Cohen, 2007, p. 71). Even within the cultural model of human nature there is wide variability between individuals (Schein, 2010, p. 143). Instead, human variability would therefore be taken to constitute not only differences from the norm, but differences simply from one another. It is impossible for any research study to adequately sample all of this variability (OECD, 2000, p. 177), alt hough in order to draw meaningful conclusions from studies in social science it is important that human variability is something which is considered by researchers. This essay discusses the approaches taken by social science researchers to account for this variability, then presents two situations in which the basis for these conclusions may be undermined. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Human Variability Social Science Datasets" essay for you Create order Accounting for Variability It has been suggested that many of the models which social sciences rely on to explain human social phenomena may present a somewhat limited representation due to their not taking adequate account of human variability (Tanner, 2008, p. 2). However, some have gone so far as to argue that the presence of human variability means that there can be no general principles regarding human life and social interactions (Gould, 2004, p. 5; Cohen, 2007, p. 71). This is based on the observation that the human psyche only becomes organized as a result of external influences. This therefore implies that the human being is plastically variable, making it impossible to apply firm general laws to it (Cohen, 2007, p. 71). It has also been supported by the work of the German statistician Wilhelm Lexis, who found that dispersions of human behaviour from statistical models were much greater than predicted by chance (Gould, 2004, p. 5). Despite the possible validity of this argument, it is still de sirable to attempt to construct general rules for the purpose of understanding the impact of different actions on the population, for example health care interventions and social policy. In attempting to construct such models through analysis of social datasets, human variability may present an issue to social science researchers on two accounts. The first is that within any study population there is likely to be a significant level of variability between members of that population at any one point in time. Secondly, since the variability is on-going and continuous, it means that the conclusions drawn from any piece of research may be inextricably linked to the specific circumstances which existed at the point in time at which the research was conducted (Tanner, 2008, p. 2). One example of the first of these issues is given by Tanner (2008, p. 132), who discusses the reaction of individuals to religious gatherings. The complexity of human nature means that different value s and motivations most likely result in every individual experiencing religious practice in a slightly different way. While this in itself often forms the focus of qualitative research, it may be extremely difficult to take account of this variability in quantitative studies. Another example is discussed by Byrne (1998, p. 126), who suggests that quantitative research conducted within one school is unlikely to be directly applicable within another. They argue that the data collected is unlikely to be transferrable as it is likely to be significantly influenced by the schools social dynamics, which are unlikely to be identical in any other school. A third useful example is in the study of the placebo effect in medicine, where there has been shown to be marked variation among individuals, making it difficult to derive any general trend (Lyby et al., 2011, p. 2405). From such studies, it is however possible to see how social science researchers attempt to account for variabili ty when deriving conclusions from the datasets. One approach to this is to limit the scope of the conclusions which are drawn from a study to a specific subsection of the population, as discussed by Byrne et al. (1998, p. 126). This may involve performing primary research within the specific population for which it is to be applied. For example if there is a need to have evidence on which to base school policy, social science researchers may choose to conduct research specifically within that school. Here, however, there is still likely to be variation within the sample, in spite of shared social characteristics, as this would not account for other factors of human nature, such as genetic or personality differences, both of which may have a significant impact on behaviour and academic performance at school (Furnham et al., 2009, p. 769). Therefore the conclusions could be inappropriately applied to those not fitting the original norm. A similar situation may also arise d ue to another approach which is to remove outliers from the data, which are those which vary markedly from the mean (Motulsky Christopoulos, 2004, p. 23). Although this would appear to limit the usefulness of any study in the larger social science context, it may be necessary to be able to derive any meaningful predictive trends from the quantitative data. Many of the statistical testing methods which are used to analyse social science datasets are disrupted by high levels of variance. For example ANOVA attempts to explain variance in respect to one variable within the population according to the presence or absence of other factors. Yet if these other factors are too variable in nature then the results are likely to be disrupted. Additionally, the variable of interest itself must not vary markedly from the normal distribution, or this too will lead to inaccurate conclusions being drawn from the analysis (Richards, 2009, p. 14). This issue may be overcome in many instances by ensuring that a larger sample size is used, so that there is more probability of outliers lying at the extremes of this normal distribution (Gorard, 2003, p. 62). An alternative approach is to try and instead actively limit the variation in the data analysed, as this may produce results which are more readily generalizable to the study population (Gorard, 2003, p. 61). One way to achieve this is to attempt to strip individuals within any dataset down to shared basic characteristics and then select participants which match the desired set of characteristics. This involves reducing aspects of culture down to common elements (Shore, 2012, p. 148). For example, in the study by Lyby et al. (2011, p. 2405) participants were selected on the basis of certain shared aspects of their medical history and care, so that the conclusions drawn would be targeted towards this specific subset of the population, and would not be applicable to those varying from these characteristics. This ap proach may be useful when considering individualized medical interventions, but may be less useful when considering wider social initiatives, where the population will invariably stray from tightly shared characteristics. Neighbourhoods and Communities One area in which conclusions drawn from social datasets may be undermined is that of studies involving the study of neighbourhoods and communities for the purposes of policy formation. An example of this is the policy a decade ago regarding the introduction of street wardens to the UK. There have been some studies conducted in individual neighbourhoods in which street wardens were introduced, from which the data showed subsequent reductions in crime and other negative outcomes. The conclusions from these studies attempted to account for variability by suggesting that the results be applied on a limited level (University of Leeds, 2005, p. 5; Sin, 2008, p. 389). However, when these conclusions were applied on a wider level, there were very varied results seen across different neighbourhoods (Sin, 2008, p. 389). This could be due to similar issues as those discussed by Byrne (1998, p. 126) in the context of schools. It is likely that the characteristics of communities prese nt in different areas of the UK are likely to be highly varied due to individual, local social and environmental factors. Therefore these communities are likely to present very different reactions to one social intervention. Here it would be suggested that the usual approaches taken to account for variation in dataset analysis may not be adequate. For example it would be very difficult to take large sample sizes if considering each community as an individual unit. It would also be difficult to remove outliers, as it would be expected that the different communities would vary so markedly that it would be difficult to establish a norm. Even if this were the case, this would then severely limit the applicability of the analysis when considering national policy. One of the best solutions would be instead to consider collection of data from each individual area and tailor policy on a local level according to these findings. Drinking Patterns A second example of an area in which social dataset conclusions may be undermined by human variation is in adult alcohol consumption patterns and its effects (Gould, 2004, p. 7). The nature of alcohol consumption is something which is now understood to be determined by a whole multitude of factors, including genetic factors, environmental factors, social circumstances and personality characteristics (Dick et al., 2011, p. 2512; Kendler et al., 2011, p. 1507). This in itself clearly opens this behaviour up to wide variation between individuals due to the complex interaction of these factors, a consequence of human variability as discussed in the introduction. However, this also means that the precise nature of alcohol consumption may be something which is open to change over time. Many of the shared aspects of humanity within any social group could be considered to be evolutionary in nature (Shore, 2012, p. 149). For example environmental and social variables change; however t his evolutionary concept would imply that it is also possible that humans change in their very nature over time too (Gould, 2004, p. 7). This may be further explained taking the example of a research study by Hingson et al. (2009, p. 783) which examined the influence of age of drinking onset on physical injuries, motor vehicle crashes and physical fights after drinking. The study concluded that drinking at an early age was associated with greater odds of each of these consequences and that delaying the age of drinking onset should be promoted to reduce the risk to the individual. Yet human variability could undermine these conclusions in a number of ways. For example there is evidence that rates of violence have increased in general over time (Eisner, 2008, online). Although this could in itself be attributed to increasing trends in alcohol consumption, this may be unlikely based on data which indicates a decline in drinking patterns in the US (Kerr et al., 2009, p. 27). However, there have been a number of research studies which have indicated that personality traits possibly linked to violent behaviour have changed over the past few decades (Twenge et al., 2008, p. 875). This therefore indicates that risk of violence is something which is linked to variation in human nature over time and could change in the near future, which was not accounted for when discussing the future implications of this research. Therefore it is entirely possible that the suggested interventions could have little impact on risk of violence. Conclusions The very nature of humanity means that individuals vary markedly from each other, due to the influence of different genetic, psychological, social and environmental factors. The overwhelming potential for different combinations of these factors means that within any social setting it is likely that significant variability would exist, even though some common factors may be shared by members of that population. Although this is part of the main source of interest in the study of sociology, it may present a challenge when conducting analysis on quantitative social data sets. This variability may be accounted for when drawing conclusions by ensuring that analysis reduces the variability in the data set or by limiting the application of the conclusions outside of the sample from which it was drawn. References Byrne, D.S. (1998) Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences: An Introduction. London: Routledge, p. 126. Cohen, E. (2007) The Mind Possessed: The Cognition of Spirit Possession in an Afro-Brazilian Religious Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 71. Dick, D.M., Meyers, J.L., Rose, R.J., Kaprio, J. Kendler, K.S. (2011) Measures of current alcohol consumption and problems: Two independent twin studies suggest a complex genetic architecture. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35(12), 2152-2161. Eisner, M. (2008) Modernity strikes back? A historical perspective on the latest increase in interpersonal violence (1960-1990). International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 2(2). Available [online] from: https://www.ijcv.org/index.php/ijcv/article/viewArticle/41 [Accessed 28/11/2011]. Furnham, A., Monsen, J. Ahmetoglu, G. (2009) Typical intellectual engagement, Big Five personality traits, approaches to learning and cognitive ability predictors of aca demic performance. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79(4), 769-782. Gorard, S. (2003) Quantitative Methods in Social Science. London: Continuum, pp. 61-62. Gould, R. (2004) Variability: One statisticians view. Available [online] from: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5013f27n;jsessionid=94421E4A96F2309060D1074A216A2591#page-1 [Accessed 25/11/2011]. Haslam, N., Loughnan, S., Kashima, Y. Bain, P. (2009) Attributing and denying humanness to others. European Review of Social Psychology, 19(1), 55-85. Hingson, R.W., Edwards, E.M., Heeren, T. Rosenbloom, D. (2009) Age of drinking onset and injuries, motor vehicle crashes, and physical fights after drinking and when not drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 33(5), 783-790. Kendler, K.S., Gardner, C. Dick, D.M. (2011) Predicting alcohol consumption in adolescence from alcohol-specific and general externalizing genetic risk factors, key environmental exposures and their interaction. Psychol ogical Medicine, 41, 1507-1516. Kerr, W.C., Greenfield, T.K., Bond, J., Ye, Y. Rehm, J. (2009) Age-period-cohort modeling of alcohol volume and heavy drinking days in the US National Alcohol Surveys: Divergence in younger and older adult trends. Addiction, 104(1), 27-37. Kundu, A. (2009) Social Sciences: Methodology and Perspectives. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley, p. 16. Lyby, P.S., Aslaksen, P.M. Flaten, M.A. (2011) Variability in placebo analgesia and the role of fear of pain – an ERP study. Pain, 152(10), 2405-2412. Motulsky, H. Christopoulos, A. (2004) Fitting Models to Biological Data Using Linear and Nonlinear Regression. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 23. Naylor, S. Chen, J.Y. (2010) Unraveling human complexity and disease with systems biology and personalized medicine. Personalized Medicine, 7(3), 275-289. OECD (2000) Social Sciences for a Digital World. Paris: OECD, p. 177. Richards, G. (2009) Psychology: The Key Concepts. Milton Par k: Routledge, p. 14. Schein, E.H. (2010) Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, p. 143. Shore, B. (2012) Unconsilience: Rethinking the two-cultures conundrum in anthropology. In E. Slingerland M. Collard (Ed.) Creating Consilience: Integrating the Sciences and the Humanities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 140-160. Sin, C.H. (2008) The introduction of Street Wardens as a social policy intervention in Britain targeting the regeneration of local communities: Theory and practice. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 1(4), 389-400. Tanner, R.E.S. (2008) Contemporary Social Science Research. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, pp. 2, 132. Twenge, J.M., Konrath, S., Foster, J.D., Campbell, W.K. Bushman, B.J. (2008) Egos inflating over time: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory. Journal of Personality, 76(4), 875-902. University of Leeds (2005) Criminal Justice Review. Available [onlin e] from: https://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/ccjs/an_reps/17rep.pdf#page=39 [Accessed 28/11/2011].

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Rise Of Violent Crime In Canada Essay - 2972 Words

The Rise of Violent Crime In Canada Violent crime in Canada is on the rise in Canada as well as the types of violent crimes being committed against the public. It has been on the rise for many, many years. I believe and intend to prove in the following essay that it is societies responsibility for the rise of violent crime with their unwillingness and inability to effectively deal with the current trend in our society. In the last few years, a slight dip in violent crime has been noted, but we must view this with skepticism as no official statistics are available. As well as this could be an example of society realizing that the Criminal Justice System is not effectively dealing with the trend of violence in Canada. This†¦show more content†¦Any form of an assault on the person, ranging from sexual assault to Aggravated assault. Robbery, Homicide, Attempted Homicide, and Manslaughter are all considered violent crimes. These crimes are committed for a variety of reasons that range from unbelievable to incredible. Some are done for fun, having no real reason at all. Anger is a major reason for assaults being committed as well as Homicides. Robbery of a store or mugging of an individual is another reason. As well as pure pre-meditated violence, whether it is a beating or a murder, people use violence to enforce other things that are considered to be valued reasons for violence. In fact many sub-cultures of Canadian culture, such as gangs have developed differing views on crime and see the act of assaulting another individual as a way of settling a dispute and/or argument. A more technical definition would be as follows; quot; a crime involves the violation of a norm. Norms are social rules ranging from the important and the binding to the less important and optional. From which society makes attempts and rules to regulate behaviour in society quot; The Importance of the laws are measured by the level of punishments imposed upon the offender and the sanctions in place against the law. An example of this is lying and skipping class are considered to be minor infractions, where as murder is considered to be one of the most atrocious acts that could be committed by a person. SinceShow MoreRelatedMyths In The Criminal Justice System Have Plagued The Public1212 Words   |  5 Pagescomparing New York State data to data from Canada, the effectiveness of this myth can be debunked and disproven. In order to discuss the myths surrounding violent crime in New York State, understanding the current data and trends is essential. To establish the general consensus of what people think about violent crime in New York State, I conducted a small poll of people in my area. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

On Campus or Off Campus Living Free Essays

On Campus or Off Campus Living If you are a new student and you want to choose between living on campus and living off campus, here some differences between them which may help you in your decision. The first difference is the cost. Normally, off campus housing is more expensive than on campus housing because of the additional charges. We will write a custom essay sample on On Campus or Off Campus Living or any similar topic only for you Order Now When you live off campus, you should pay for your own Internet access, furniture, and kitchen and bath necessities in addition to the rent, so it is a high initial cost. However, on campus housing does not need most of these charges because they are already paid with the rent. The second difference is transportation. If you live on campus, you can easily walk to your classes, libraries, and cafeterias. You do not have to waste your time and money to ride buses or trains or to drive your car to go to the campus. In contrast, you should ride buses or trains or drive your car to go to the campus when you live off campus which means wasting money and time in addition to the traffic issues if you are living in a crowded area. On campus housing and off campus housing also differ in privacy. On campus housing usually means a shared bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. It is also means a limited and sometimes not quiet place to study because you share it with others. On the other hand, off campus housing means you own your bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen and also means there is a large enough and quiet enough place to study. The other difference is the social life. Living on campus allows you to make more friends and meet more people than living off campus and also keeps you in touch with any activities that happen on campus, while living off campus probably does not allow you to make more friends or keep in touch with most campus activities. All in all, there are many differences between living on campus and living off campus, so when you want to choose between living on and off campus, classify these differences to advantages and disadvantages depending on your situation. After that, choose which is more advantageous than the other. . How to cite On Campus or Off Campus Living, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Educating Rita free essay sample

New experiences can lead to a number of obstacles which individuals must overcome in order to gain significant rewards. The movement into a new world can me emotional, physical or mentally and can be a personal change or be promoted by a mentor. In â€Å"Educating Rita† by Willy Russell, Frank promotes Rita to venture into his world of education in order for her for achieve the freedom and choice she desires, however Frank can also be a barrier for Rita at times. This change is not an easy change and comes at a cost. From early on in the play Willy Russell depicts the difference in class through the contrast of Rita and Frank. Rita’s language can been seen as informal, loose and lots of swearing, typical images of a working class upbringing juxtaposed to the precise and formal educated language used by Frank. Rita longs to enter the world of education and escape her working class origins when she realises she is â€Å"slightly out of step† therefore she sees the Open University as a way of moving into a different world where she has â€Å"choice†. As Trish says there is not a lot of point in discussing beautiful literature in an ugly voice† we can see that she has lost her individuality and flare in the fight to become the same as all the other students around her. She tries to talk in a posh way thinking that this would make her middle class. In contrast to the point I made above let’s look at Rita at the start of the play. Her bright, bold, bubbly character is revealed in the very first scene, as the two characters are introduced. She makes a very dramatic entrance, bursting through the door, swearing, and immediately drawing all attention to her; â€Å"It’s that stupid bleedin’ handle on the door. † With the phrase â€Å"stupid bleedin’ † Willy Russell is showing how Rita isn’t really sure how to act, and her insecurity and nerves make her appear in such a loud manner. This shows how little she understands of formal interview situations. Her swearing makes this comment more jaw-dropping and unsettling, especially since this is her first meeting with Frank. The incomplete words show how strong a Liverpuldian

Friday, November 29, 2019

Marketing Research Energy Drink Market Brazil Essay Essay Example

Marketing Research Energy Drink Market Brazil Essay Essay The intent of this research was to measure possible chances of administering new energy drink V-Fusion+Energy ® in Brazil. Having performed secondary market research. we were able to analyse economic. political. legal. cultural. and societal factors that affect Brazil’s concern environment. We besides explored current market chances in Brazil and performed elaborate analysis of energy drink industry in Brazil and competition. During the research we gathered secondary informations published by US and Brazilian authorities bureaus. US Commercial Service. selling research bureaus. every bit good as information from concern intelligence and private companies’ web sites ( such as Coca-Cola. Red Bull. etc ) . Based on collected information. we concluded that although there is a figure of challenges in the Brazilian market that create complex concern environment and obstructions for US exporters. energy drink industry in Brazil is in origin phase and therefore offers a good growing potency. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Research Energy Drink Market Brazil Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Research Energy Drink Market Brazil Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Research Energy Drink Market Brazil Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer After choosing and specifying the mark market. we were able to develop proposals for international promotional scheme. to depict concern and selling challenges and to supply elaborate solution options. INTRODUCTION V-Fusion+Energy ® is a new energy drink made with fruit and vegetable juice and green tea infusion. It is a healthy option to high-caffeine and high-sugar energy drinks because it contains one combined helping of veggies and fruit. is an first-class beginning of B vitamins. has merely 50 Calories and no added sugar or unreal colourss. spirits or preservatives. The merchandise presently distributed in United States ( Wal-Mart and other food market and retail shops ) . The intent of this research is to research chances of administering V-Fusion+Energy ® in Brazil. We selected Brazil as a possible market because it is Latin America’s biggest economic system accounting for 60 % of its GDP and 7th largest economic system in the universe with population of about 200 million. strong domestic demand for American goods and turning in-between category. With GDP growing of about $ 2. 5 trillion in 2011 harmonizing to The White House ( 2012 ) . we believe this market offers first-class growing chances for US companies. Its in-between category and ingestion has grown enormously in past decennary – as per Searchlight Process ( 2012 ) 40 million people has joined in-between category between 2003 and 2011 and 20 million are expected to be included by 2014. In add-on. there is a clear penchant for American-produced goods to domestic goods in Brazil – they demand trade names for all merchandises from high tech and dress merchandises of Apple and Nike to drinks of Coca Cola. The betterment in substructure is expected in the following 2 old ages as Brazil prepares for the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 – it will pass one million millions in substructure development of its roads. railwaies. ports. and airdromes. Harmonizing to US Commercial Service ( 2011 ) . despite marks of betterment there are a figure of challenges in the Brazilian market create complex concern environment and create obstructions for US exporters. such as uneven income distribution. jobs in public instruction. disproportion of market concentration. and â€Å"grey economy† that hinders revenue enhancement aggregation and maintain economic growing from making its full potency. In add-on. making concern in Brazil requires understanding of local concern patterns such as inexplicit costs of making concern referred to as â€Å"Custo Brasil† – costs related to distribution. authorities processs. employee benefits. and complex revenue enhancement construction. Complex imposts system along with high duty barriers that increase consumer monetary values up to 100 % . and overloaded legal system with drawn-out procedures is another challenge US companies are confronting. As per US Commercial Service ( 2011 ) . The World Bank ranks Brazil 127 out of 183 economic systems in the universe in footings of easiness of making concern. However. if these challenges are accounted and approached with proper solutions. we believe entryway in Brazil market may be highly profitable and good for US companies in general and Campbell with its advanced merchandise V-Fusion+Energy ® in peculiar. CURRENT ECONOMIC. POLITICAL. CULTURAL. SOCIAL AND LEGAL ENVIRONMENT IN BRAZIL Economic Environment. Brazil is Latin America’s most influential state and one of the lifting economic powers together with Russia. China and India ( besides known as BRIC nations ) . Almost dual size the European Union ( 8. 5 million square kilometres ) . with rich in militias of natural resources ( Fe ore. manganese. bauxite. Ni. U. gemstones. oil. wood. and aluminium. and 14 % of the world’s renewable fresh H2O ) . and with over 300 million hectares of agricultural land in favourable clime conditions. Brazil takes a relevant place in planetary market. Harmonizing to Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs ( 2011 ) . Brazil’s consistent growing from 2002 to 2009 when its existent GDP about doubled ( from US $ 724 billion to US $ 1. 5 trillion ) . and economy’s solid public presentation during 2008 fiscal crisis followed by strong recovery ( including 2010 growing of 7. 5 % ) contributed to states passage from a regional to planetary power. Although GDP growing in Brazil slowed down ( 2. 7 % in 2011 vs. 7. 5 % in 2010 ) and harmonizing to the Colitt ( 2012 ) its industrial end product has contracted 3. 4 % from last twelvemonth. the economic system is the world’s seventh-largest and is expected to lift to fifth within the following several old ages. As noted by Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs ( 2011 ) . during the disposal of former President Lula. billowing exports. economic growing. and societal plans helped raise 10s of 1000000s of Brazilians out of poorness. For the first clip. a bulk of Brazilians are now middle-class. and domestic ingestion has become an of import driver of Brazilian growing. President Dilma Rousseff. who took office in January 2011. has indicated her purpose to go on the former president’s economic policies. including sound financial direction. rising prices control. and a floating exchange rate. Colitt ( 2012 ) states that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is implementing policies aimed to protect Brazilian industry – increasing responsibilities on imported goods like places. fabrics. and electronics. but non seting adequate attempt into repairing local substructure. The fiscal sector is unafraid and provides local houses with a broad scope of fiscal merchandises. yet involvement rates remain among the highest in the universe. Due to high involvement rates investors that have been purchasing Brazilian high-yielding bonds have driven up the Real doing it a really strong. This in bend. has made imports more favourable for US companies and exports more expensive for Brazil. which increased Brazil’s trade shortage to $ 92. 5 billion in 2011. As per The White House ( 2012 ) . U. S. goods exports to Brazil hold more than tripled since 2002. turning from $ 12. 4 billion in 2002 to $ 42. 9 billion in 2011 ( largest classs are machinery. aircraft. and plastics ) . As noted by Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs ( 2011 ) . Brazil has one of the most advanced industrial sectors in Latin America. Accounting for approximately tierce of the GDP. Brazil’s diverse industries include cars and parts. machinery and equipment. fabrics. places. cement. computing machines. aircraft. and consumer durable goodss. Brazil continues to be a major universe provider of trade goods and natural resources. with important operations in timber. Fe ore. Sn. other minerals. and petrochemicals. However. high rising prices ( 7. 3 % in October 2011 – above the upper bound of the government’s mark of 2. 5 % -6. 5 % ) is a cause of highly high cost of runing the fabrication ( due to high monetary values of energy. natural stuffs and rewards ) . which makes it really hard for Brazilian industries to be competitory in the universe markets. Harmonizing to Alberto Ramos. head Latin America economic expert at GS. fabrication industry is non a competitory advantage of Brazil and it should airt its resources into Fieldss where it is competitory. like services. agriculture and trade goods. Brazil has a diverse and sophisticated services industry. including developed telecommunications. banking. energy. commercialism. and calculating sectors. And most significantly. Brazil is by and large unfastened to and encourages foreign investing -it is the largest receiver of foreign direct investing ( FDI ) in Latin America. and the United States is traditionally the top foreign investor in Brazil – United States is a major provider with over 15 % of Brazil’s imports. Political Environment. The current construction of the Brazilian authorities is a Federative democracy with 26 provinces and ferine territory. governed by a presidential system in which the president is both caput of province and caput of authorities ( elections are based on a four-year term ) . Brazil has become independent in September 7. 1822 and promulgated its fundamental law in October 5. 1988. The 1988 fundamental law grants wide powers to the federal authorities. made up of executive. legislative. and judicial subdivisions. As summarized by Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs ( 2011 ) . there are 81 senators. three for each province and the Federal District. and 513 deputies. Senate footings are 8 old ages. staggered so that two-thirds of the upper house is up for election at one clip and one-third 4 old ages subsequently. Chamber footings are 4 old ages. with elections based on a complex system of relative representation by provinces. Each province is eligible for a lower limit of eight seats ; the largest province deputation ( Sao Paulo’s ) is capped at 70 seats. This system is weighted in favour of geographically big but sparsely populated provinces. In Congress. 15 political parties are represented doing it common for politicians to exchange parties. The largest political parties are the Workers’ party ( PT ) . Democrats ( DEM ) . Brazilian Democratic Movement Party ( PMDB-center ) . Brazilian Social Democratic Party ( PSDB ) . Progressive Party ( PP ) . Brazilian Labor Party ( PTB ) . Liberal Party ( PL ) . Brazilian Socialist Party ( PSB ) . Popular Socialist Party ( PPS ) . Democratic Labor Party ( PDT ) . and the Communist Party of Brazil ( PCdoB ) . Major labour brotherhood federations include the Workers’ Unitary Central. the Workers’ General Confederation ( CGT ) . and the Forca Sindical ( FS ) . As listed in World Guide ( 1997 ) . there is a assortment of labour brotherhoods and national. spiritual and professional associations that people in Brazil belong to: Brazil is one of the establishing members of the United Nations. the G20. CPLP. Latin Union. the Organization of Ibero-American States. and Union of South American Nations. One of its chief ends is to supply assistance to developing states and is estimated to be $ 1 Billion per twelvemonth. As per Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs ( 2011 ) . to farther increase its international profile ( both politically and economically ) . the Rousseff disposal is besides seeking expanded trade ties with developing states. every bit good as a strengthening of the Mercosul ( Mercosur in Spanish ) imposts brotherhood with Uruguay. Paraguay. and Argentina. Brazil is a charter member of the United Nations and participates in its specialised bureaus. Cultural and Social Environments. The official linguistic communication of Brazil is Lusitanian and it is most widely used linguistic communication. However you may happen less common linguistic communications like Spanish. German. Italian. and Nipponese. But many Brazilian executives speak English. since many of them have studied abroad in the United States or Europe. Understanding Brazilian civilization. societal environment and concern etiquette is indispensable for successfully making concern in Brazil. Anybody who is making concern with Brazilians should be cognizant of the assorted cultural and structural barriers which might face them. Harmonizing to survey made by University of Illinois ( 2010 ) . constructs of category and position are really strong in Brazil and can find the place a individual may take in the company. which implies that Brazilians allow inequality in their companies. Although communicating between high and low degree employees is frequently informal. everyone is cognizant of societal hierarchies. When carry oning concern it is of import to retrieve that the Brazilian household ( frequently household members working for the same company ) is the foundation of their societal construction and it forms the basic stableness for most Brazilian people. Because of this. Brazilians need to cognize whom they are making concern with before they can efficaciously work together. so inquiries about person’s personal life. household. and company should be expected. Relationships are highly of import to Brazilians. by constructing close forces relationships and edifice trust. foreign business communities and investors will hold a greater opportunity of success in making concern in Brazil. Harmonizing to the information gathered and provided by Kwitessential ( 2010 ) . although the communicating is really informal. some simple regulations of etiquette must be followed. Although concern assignments can be scheduled on the short notice. it is best to schedule them two to three hebdomads in progress and corroborate them in composing since it is non uncommon for assignments to be cancelled or changed at the last minute. It is of import to look on clip for meeting in Sao Paulo. nevertheless. in Rio de Janeiro and other metropoliss it is acceptable to get a few proceedingss tardily for a meeting. During debut it is really of import to be prepared for a batch of handshakings when stating hello and pass or a buss in the cheeks between work forces and adult females. It is of import to observe that since concern in Brazil is hierarchal. so determinations are made by highest ranking individual which may non be ever present – senior directors normally attend merely initial meetings ( and anticipate to run into person higher ranked as good ) . Harmonizing to survey in Ethisphere ( 2008 ) . people in US and Brazil differ in ethical orientation and hence. before come ining Brazil we should be cognizant of ethically disputing state of affairss and set up schemes on how to cover with possible corruptness in front of clip. It is of import to understand Brazillian â€Å"Jeitinhio Brasileiro† manner of believing – their inclination to look for options to make something that in our eyes seems improper. which seldom require payoffs and is non considered corruptness. but more like an alternate manner of carry throughing aims when facing excessively stiff regulations. Legal Environment. Brazil is organized as a Federal Republic and its legal system is based on Roman civil codification. which implies that all Torahs that discipline all sorts of state of affairss are antecedently written and made populace. Besides the Federal Constitutions. which consists of 250 articles that outline citizens’ cardinal rights and warrants. the political and administrative organisation of the Federal Republic of Brazil. the single domains of authorization of the Executive. Legislative and Judicial subdivisions. revenue enhancement system and the cardinal labour rights. there chief legal paperss are the Codes: Civil Code. the Tax Code. the Penal Code and the Civil Procedure Code. The Civil Code comprises over 2000 articles modulating affairs such as Duties and Contracts. Businesss and Corporations. Real Estate and related belongings rights. and many others. The Tax Code defines the chief Brazilian revenue enhancement ordinances. which are complemented by many Federal. State and Municipal Torahs. The Penal Code brings the definitions of behaviors considered offenses and the penalties for anyone suiting the several legal descriptions. Finally. the Civil Procedure Code regulates the due procedure of jurisprudence. There is a assortment of legal limitations for foreign companies carry oning concern in Brazil. which pushed many companies towards partnerships with qualified agents or distributers when come ining the Brazilian. First. a foreign company must obtain written permission to run a subdivision in Brazil. therefore joint ventures are normally more popular than independent entities. To avoid possible legal jobs. US Commercial Service ( 2011 ) recommends U. S. companies have a written understanding to assist exporters limit liability for merchandise defects. protect a hallmark. better guarantee payments. and define guarantee footings. and consult with a Brazilian jurisprudence house before subscribing any understanding. Taxes in Brazil are really favourable compared to the U. S. The current corporate income revenue enhancement rate is 15 % regardless of the corporation’s concern but with a 10 % auxiliary revenue enhancement on the part of net net incomes that exceeds R $ 20. 000. 00 per month. The chief stock exchange in Brazil is the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange ( â€Å"Bovespa† ) . â€Å"Securities. such as portions. commercial documents. unsecured bonds. investing fund quotas and derived functions. are traded on Bovespa. † Besides. it is of import to observe that. harmonizing to a concern study conducted by PriceWaterhouse Coopers ( 2009 ) . 70 per centum of houses in Brazil study holding spent at least 3 per centum of grosss on payoffs. Most of these payoffs are to hasten processs. particular intervention or entree to traditional minutess. Although today many companies in Brazil. particularly those that operate internationally. are contending against corruptness ( for ex: companies subscribing Brazilian Pact for Integrity and against Corruption ) . and Federal agents have been effectual in patroling illegal behaviour ( which helped Brazil accomplish â€Å"moderate† evaluation in 2009 Global Integrity Report ) . corruptness. governmental inefficiency. legal and bureaucratic complications remain existent and really sensitive issues in Brazil that cause a great defeat to the international concern people. INDUSTRY AND COMPETITORS OVERVIEW. Energy Drink industry in Brazil is in origin phase and therefore offers a good growing potency for a company administering new energy drink merchandises like V-Fusion+Energy ® . Harmonizing to Russell ( 2012 ) . energy drinks was the fastest turning soft drinks class in Brazil in 2010. with 33 per centum growing in value term. Furthermore. Brazil is still a little market for energy drinks with off-trade volume gross revenues of 31 million litres in 2010. which corresponds to 1 % of planetary volume. As Russell ( 2012 ) points out. new merchandise launches with new placements and lower monetary value points. and increased handiness. intend that the market is tipped for growing. Although some wellness concerns have been voiced sing energy drink ingestion. peculiarly when associated with intoxicant. there is no indicant that the class is geting a negative image in Brazil. Russell ( 2012 ) explains. There new tendencies in Brazil’s population proportion and its ingestion forms besides create chance in energy drink industry: in-between category and ingestion has grown enormously in past decennary – as per Searchlight Process ( 2012 ) 40 million people has joined in-between category between 2003 and 2011 and 20 million are expected to be included by 2014. As of today. out of 200 million Brazilians over 52 per centum are a portion of in-between category. whose combined monthly household income ranges between US $ 600 ( R $ 1. 000 ) and US $ 2. 400 ( R $ 4. 000 ) . Furthermore. harmonizing to Secretariat of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of Brazil ( SAE ) in-between category is preponderantly comprised of immature people less than 30 old ages old. with formal employment and disposable income. largely shacking in urban countries and showing strong penchant for American trade names. With this in head. harmonizing to Russel ( 2012 ) . Euromonitor predicts that transnational makers will get down to put more in the state to countervail lethargy in other markets. Brazil could be one of the top five markets worldwide for energy drinks. harmonizing to Euromonitor. Gross saless of energy drinks are predicted to turn in entire volume at 14 % per twelvemonth on norm between 2010 and 2015. The biggest challenge in energy drink industry for US exporter is the monetary value construction due to complex imposts system along with high duty barriers that increase consumer monetary values up to 100 % . As per US Commercial Service ( 2011 ) . in some instances costs are so high that a simple computation may bespeak that US exporter’s border will non let them to vie with local merchandises. Thus. some US companies work on low borders and implement efficient supply concatenation systems aimed to lower operation costs. Red Bull. for illustration. whose drink already holds lead place in Brazil’s energy drink market with 59. 6 per centum volume portion. is constructing a production works in Brazil to take high duties from its monetary value construction and be able to increase its net income borders while take downing retail monetary values and increasing gross revenues volumes. Besides Red Bull. who dominates Brazil’s energy drink market with 59. 6 per centum volume portion. the chief rivals are US based transnational elephantine The Coca-Cola Co. with its merchandise â€Å"Burn Energy† taking 11. 7 % portion and German Lizur Trading’s â€Å"Flash Power energy† taking 4. 8 % portion. and new Gladiator with no gross revenues figures available but with promising consequences. Harmonizing to Euromonitor International ( 2010 ) . the newer trade name Gladiator is one of the fastest turning soft drinks trade names. As the company has monolithic distribution substructure. it can go the toughest challenger in the industry in the average term. Selling activity and optimisation of logistics and distribution channels are likely to be explored by the chief participants in energy drink industry over the following few old ages. Austrian company Red Bull has created the planetary market for energy drinks. and the pioneering Red Bull trade name became synonymous with energy drinks for a big figure of consumers. including Brazilians. Harmonizing to Euromonitor International ( 2010 ) . despite lifting competition. Red Bull GmbH continues to comfortably take the planetary energy drinks market by both volume and value. Red Bull is produced at a individual installation in Austria and so distributed around the universe via a web of local subordinates and external importers and distributers. Therefore. Red Bull imports its merchandise to Brazil through a distributer and adds high costs of responsibilities. energy and logistics cost to its monetary values. which makes it unaffordable for some low-income consumers in Brazil. Besides. Euromonitor International ( 2010 ) advises that the company aims to capitalise on the current consumer tendency towards â€Å"natural† ingredients. and targets an older consumer group that is typically more interested in merchandise ingredients than younger consumers. Therefore. it is clear that industry leader sees chance in spread outing its merchandise portfolio to aim wellness witting consumers. which means that V-Fusion+Energy ® has a great chance in this market if introduced foremost. Coca Cola competes on Brazil’s energy drink market with Burn Energy – a new Swedish high-energy drink oriented on immature population ( 20-24 ) with its fashionable design and publicity associated with celebrated dj’s. parties in celebrated nines in Brazil and music festivals. Besides the attractive image. added native Brazilian high caffeine guarana infusion entreaties to Brazilians. Coca Cola has really efficient distribution web in Brazil and 46 makers strategically located in all parts of the state guaranting the supply of about one million points of sale. To sum up information provided on official web site of Coca-Cola in Brazil. Division Brazil is one of the four major operations of Coca-Cola executing in Brazil since 1942. Besides Coca-Cola. there are 16 independent concern groups. called authorised makers. in add-on to the Junior Lion and Del Valle. who draw up the concluding merchandise in its 46 workss and administer them to retail mercantile establishments. This construction allows Coca-Cola to derive efficiency in fabrication and distribution. avoid high duties and bureaucratic import barriers. therefore minimising costs and consumers retail monetary values. SELECTION AND ANALYSIS OF TARGET MARKET As we mentioned earlier. wellness and energy section of drink market has been turning strongly in Latin American states including Brazil. Surveies have shown that the alteration in consumer wealth and behaviour has driven the wellness and energy markets to be viewed as the most promising section of the drinks industry. More than two-thirds of Brazilians are concerned with their energy degrees and seek to pull off fatigue. With the new V8+Energy people can look frontward to basking a combined helping of veggies and fruit with the sum of caffeine that is comparable to the taking energy drink or a cup of java. By aiming upper and in-between category we will be able range out to over 80 million of people populating in Brazil. Huge difference between rich and hapless is the direct ground why societal categories have such relevancy for sectioning human ecology in Brazil. Novias ( 2011 ) classified modern-day Brazilian society from letters A-E. as follows: 1. Educational Level †¢ Classes A and B: normally composed by those who completed higher instruction. The younger coevalss of these categories tend to be fluent in several linguistic communications. †¢ Class C: most people in this category have finished high school and there is besides a important measure of people who completed higher instruction or at least have a proficient degree grade. †¢ Class D: people who have non finished high school. †¢ Class Tocopherol: people who have non finished simple school and illiterate people. 2. Occupation. The educational degrees antecedently presented support the degree of entry among five different categories. This employment relationship is presented as: †¢ Class Angstrom: composed by bankers. investors. concern proprietors. major landholders and people with extraordinary accomplishments for the industry they operate in. †¢ Class B: composed by managers and directors. politicians. Judgess. justnesss. prosecuting officers. good calibrated professors. physicians. good qualified applied scientists and attorneies. etc. †¢ Class C: composed by those who provide services straight to the wealthier groups. such as instructors. directors. mechanics. linemans. nurses. etc. †¢ Class D: composed by people who provide services to Class C. such as maidservants. barmans. bricklayers. people who work for the civil building companies. little shops Sellerss. low-paid drivers. etc. †¢ Class Tocopherol: composed by people who earn minimal wages. such as cleaners. street sweepers. and besides by unemployed people. Our primary mark is classes A-C. Consumers in these categories are hardworking people ( ages 18-35 ) that have proper instruction to cognize the benefits of imbibing V-Fusion+Energy ® and want a smart. healthy. and effectual manner to derive their energy back. In footings of the geographic locations there are some parts where there is a strong laterality of categories D and E like the North. Northeast and Central-West parts in which we will non concentrate on. However. it is the larger metropoliss such as Sao Paulo in which societal differences are largely seeable and is where many of the upper categories are found. every bit good as Brasilia. capital of Brazil. Our age cleavage can change largely because the V-Fusion+Energy ® drink can be consumed by about anyone at any age. Made with natural ingredients. it is healthy for any age group to imbibe including immature teens from ages 12-19 every bit good as for seniors. However. our primary mark is working societal categories A-C that belong to 18-35 age group and adolescents who are following newest tendencies. involvement and vernal life style. PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY Introducing Acai Berry Flavor. In order to place the merchandise to the Brazilian people. we will present a new spirit of V8 Fusion Energy: Acai Berry. Acai is the most popular fruit in Brazil. and it is enjoyed throughout the twelvemonth by both immature and old. By making an acai spirit. we will be able to spread out our market. because our merchandise will appeal to all Brazilians. We will besides pull more clients to our mark market. largely healthy persons who exercise on a regular basis. Acai is one of the healthiest fruits in the universe: it contains powerful antioxidants that can assist support the organic structure against life’s stressors. It besides contains anthocyanin and flavonoids. which play a cardinal function in the body’s cell protection system. assist decelerate down the aging procedure. and may advance fat loss. All these wellness benefits are the ground why acai is frequently referred to as a â€Å"super fruit† by dieticians. Processing the acai fruit into an energy drink does necessitate clip and resources. but sing that Brazil is an upper-middle-income state with a freshly. rapid industrialising economic system ( Keegan ) . we have determined that the acai scheme will be successful. Placing our merchandise by including something that everyone in Brazil is familiar with and bask will be a successful initial promotional scheme. It will specify our mark market. because of acai’s wellness benefits. It will besides spread out the market. since many people will purchase and imbibe our merchandise. merely because they enjoy the spirit of acai berry. Carnival. The Rio Carnival is the perfect topographic point to market out V-8 Fusion Energy drink. We will be sing a twosome of schemes at the Rio Carnival: 1 ) we will hold our gross revenues employees offer people the drink for free. and 2 ) we will busy little sellers. located around the carnival and sell our merchandise at that place. Free sampling will originate the publicity of our drink. We have strong belief in the quality and gustatory sensation of our merchandise. which is why we believe that one time people try it. they will be returning clients. The 2nd scheme will be used for clients desiring to seek the other great spirits of our merchandise: Peach Mango. and Pomegranate Blueberry. This scheme will besides be used as primary research. We will be closely monitoring our gross revenues. sing factors such as: location of seller and spirit of drink. Employees will roll up the informations electronically. which will be used to find which spirit is more popular in which country. We will besides hold employees conduct experimental studies. They will be composing down informations of approximative age of clients. every bit good as their facial looks after imbibing. to assist find if clients enjoyed our merchandise. Soccer – Campeonato Brasileiro. The most popular athletics in Brazil is association football. It is so popular. that it is non even considered a athletics ; it’s a manner of life for most Brazilians. Soccer is played everyplace: on the streets. on the beach. in Parks. and in professional association football nines. Professional association football participants in Brazil are the most celebrated and recognized people in the state. This is why we plan to advance V8 Fusion Energy through professional association football squads We will offer a contract to the professional squad – Santos to put our merchandise name on the forepart of their uniforms. Santos is presently the squad with the best-selling New Jersey and dress in Brazil. and we would wish to be associated with a popular. winning squad. Research has showed that when a merchandise is associated with a successful squad. gross revenues addition every bit good. We will besides offer personal contracts to one or two star participants from the squad. They will play a cardinal portion in our advertisement commercials and promotional runs throughout the state. Our vision is to advance V-Fusion+Energy ® as a healthy beginning of energy and addition strong place on energy drink market in the state. therefore we see enormous possible to market our merchandise in the professional association football conference. Brazil does non hold a specific drink associated with athleticss ( such as Gatorade in the United States ) . We will utilize an aggressive market scheme and do our V8 Energy Fusion the official drink of Brazilian association football perchance athleticss in general. Our merchandise will be placed on the out of boundss of all games. Players coming in and out of the game will imbibe our merchandise for energy and hydration. Our end is for people to tie in our merchandise with energy. success. and wellness. which is precisely what V8 Fusion Energy is – a healthy energy drink for success! Business AND Selling CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS To accomplish a successful result in establishing the V-Fusion+Energy ® merchandise in Brazil. it is indispensable to foreground the barriers to entry and selling challenges. We have identified three cardinal countries that present a challenge ; un-even income distribution. public perceptual experience and consumer instruction. and a foreign judicial system that includes a complex revenue enhancement system and proving usage Torahs. First. un-even income distribution in society refers to the ownership of the production factors and the monetary value the proprietors get in the market. Concentrating on this issue consequences good sing we can’t set our merchandise out at that place if the consumer population does non hold a stable income in the different metropoliss or countries. and the production cost are unknown. Therefore. in order to cut down production costs we can make a joint venture with a preexistent Brazilian drink companies. moreover. we will concentrate on the local agribusiness ; I. e invest in local agribusiness.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Technology Siri for submission

Technology Siri for submission Siri is many people’s new best friend. This voice recognition system has been a feature of iPhones since the iPhone 4s was introduced. Siri demonstrates a facility that puts most computer-resident voice recognition software to shame.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Technology Siri for submission specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Siri software seems eerily to comprehend users in a way that some human listeners cannot even manage. The addition of this feature transforms the computer functions of an iPhone into something almost universally accessible. How this feature has been (nearly) perfected is a mix of technology and human skill. Siri consists of two separate technologies. There is the voice recognition part, and there is the voice-data-to-speech part. Both are awesomely complex. As quoted by the website of the Human Interface Laboratory at Washington University, voice recognition is the technology by whi ch sounds, words or phrases spoken by humans are converted into electrical signals† (Baumann). Then, â€Å"these signals are transformed into coding patterns to which meaning has been assigned (Baumann). To recognize words from among all the sounds that humans make when they produce speech, the voice recognition software must use â€Å"speech unit extraction and concatenation† (Baumann). To accomplish this â€Å"Sentence and word units which maximize the weighted sum of linguistic likelihood, amount of information, confidence measure, and grammatical likelihood of concatenated units are extracted from the speech recognition results and concatenated for producing summaries† (Baumann). This translates to a complex amalgam of grammar, vocabulary, and lots of statistics. The voice production part of the system is, if anything, even more magical-seeming. The voice that comes out in the form of Siri actually sounds human, and it is, fundamentally. A live woman, and ma n, or perhaps more than one, recorded hundreds of spoken words and parts of words. She recorded them in different tones and rhythms to create the richest possible range of English speech. These sounds were then used as a sound bank from which to extract individual phonemes, or the smallest and shortest identifiable elements of speech (Anderson).Advertising Looking for essay on programming? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As described by Anderson, â€Å"Words and sentences are analyzed, catalogued, and tagged in a big database, a complicated job involving a team of dedicated linguists, as well as proprietary linguistic software† (Anderson). In the next step, a piece of software called a â€Å"text-to-speech engine† searches for sounds, in real time, to combine with other sounds (Anderson). These are strung together, as beads are on a string, to create novel words and sentences like â€Å"727 South Warno ck Street† or â€Å" the Lakers won by 2 points† when users need this information. The inclusion of Siri in an iPhone does more than make forgetting one’s grocery list a thing of the past. It adds safety when driving, and turns the hand-held device into a mobile business office. A user can generate all sorts of correspondence using the voice recognition function to dictate text. Using the iPhone’s accessibility settings for ‘speaking text’, a user can listen to almost anything on the screen read aloud. Siri seems to have even inspired a full-length movie Her. The lonely protagonist falls in love with a sweet-voiced operating system that sounds suspiciously like Siri (IMDB). Admittedly, the artificial intelligence, and the relationship depicted are probably a few years away. However, many people are already very dependent on the way that Siri helps them connect to the internet, and to use their iPhones. Siri is also not the only voice in the m arketplace. More and more pieces of equipment (for example, RSS readers) and other venues now are using some form of voice generation or voice recognition. Anderson notes that â€Å"Google, Apple, Microsoft, and even Amazon have all invested heavily in speech† (Anderson). Voice recognition and generation, whether in the form of Siri or some other software, is a welcome and useful part of users’ lives now. Anderson, Lessley. Machine Language: How Siri Found Its Voice. 17 September 2013. The Verge. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Technology Siri for submission specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Baumann, James. Voice Recognition. 2014. Washington University. Web. IMDB. Her. 2014. IMDB. Web.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Plexiform neurofibromatosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Plexiform neurofibromatosis - Essay Example Neurocutaneous disorders are diseases that involve nervous system, skin, and retina and other ectodermal tissues. They are congenital. Migration of neural cells to brain and melanoblasts to the skin from the neural crest occurs between 3 to 6 months of intrauterine life. A disturbance of this migration results in neurocutaneous syndromes involving ectodermal and neuroectodermal elements (Panda 526). Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal dominant neurogenetic disorder. It can present with spectrum of symptomatology, it affects bone, nervous system, soft tissue and the skin. There are two varieties of neurofibromatosis, NF-1, popularly known as peripheral neurofibromatosis and NF-2, also known as central neurofibromatosis. A third variant is known as segmental neurofibromatosis. However, NF-1 has often central features. Here, the discussion will be limited to NF-1 which can present as plexiform neurofibromatosis.Increased nerve growth stimulating activity is incriminated for the development of neurofibromatosis. The disease has a genetic basis. NF-1 is linked to a large gene on band 17q 11.2. It encodes a protein termed neurofibromin.The protein has been found essential for the negative regulation of Ras, suggesting that neurofibromin acts as a tumor suppressor. Truncations in neurofibromin led to the mutations in most of the NF-1 cases. NF-1 is a disorder with variable phenotypic expression. Some patients may have only cutaneous expression, while others may have life threatening and disfiguring complications. These variations are demonstrated even with in the families. The disease also tends to change and develop with time. Many different mutations with in neurofibromatosis gene have been described. Spontaneous Manimunda mutations are thought to contribute to approximately 30-50% of neurofibromatosis cases. The world wide prevalence of this disease is 1 in 2500 to 3300 live births. All race groups are equally affected and there is no sexual preponderance (Kam and Helm). Most patients with neurofibromatosis present with caf au lait macules during first three years of life. Neurofibromas develop during late adolescence. Few may present with complications like pain caused by neurofibromas, pathological fractures or hypertensive head ache caused by pheochromocytoma. Physical examination may reveal the involvement of different organs and systems. Caf au lait spots are unusual pigmentary patterns, irregularly shaped, evenly pigmented, brown macules. Most individuals with neurofibromatosis have 6 or more spots that are 1.5cm or greater in diameter. In young children, 5 or more caf au lait macules greater than 0.5 cm in diameter are suggestive of neurofibromatosis. 1 or 2 caf au lait macules are encountered even in healthy individuals. Lisch nodules are hamartomas of the iris that appears dome shaped. Slit lamp examination will reveal this and help in confirming the diagnosis of neurofibromatosis. Axillary freckling (as well as inguinal freckling) known as Crowe sign is a useful diagnostic feature in neurofibromatosis. They develop during puberty. Areas of freckling and hypertrichosis occasionally overlay plexiform neurofibromas. Bone involvement can include pseudoarthrosis of tibia, bowing of long bones and orbital defects. Occasionally pulsating exophthalmos is encountered. Neurofibromas are the most

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gap, Inc. Retailing Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gap, Inc. Retailing Analysis - Essay Example Gap’s trouble in 2001 At the time of Millard Drexter, there were 200 underperforming stores of Gap Incorporated that continuously operate. This specifically decreases the level of profit generation considering that the entire operation of the company continues in a regular manner while generation of revenue came into a downward spiral. Unfortunately, financially speaking Gap Incorporated could not eventually continue to operate in this condition. This is an issue of lack of management perspective and outlook. The company lacks appropriate evaluation system in order to identify its weakest and strongest areas. Unfortunately, this continues to operate and in 2001, the financial performance of Gap Incorporated received substantially small net margin for income. Compared this with the performance of other retailing companies, Gap is far behind and the whole opportunity is lost for the good of its competitors. There is another important view that Gap Incorporated under the manageme nt of Drexter was overlooked. There was lack of market research that could determine customers’ preferences and needs. This eventually is the reason why Gap Incorporated misjudged fashion trends in 2000. It tried to create trendy apparel for young adults but it was not creating greater impact in the market. Customers were ending up choosing other fashion options due to some important reasons including their own style. For instance, it is important to know that American consumers spend less on clothing due to the fact that fashion does nowadays does not only include clothes but other accessories and technological gadgets. For instance, iPods and iPhones are considered part of the fashion trends among American consumers. Normally, niche markets for growth opportunities are the most significant view in apparel retailing industry. However, the market is continuously expanding and there are added segments that need to be clearly understood further. In the United States, size fitti ngs among Americans change over 60 years. In line with this, more data are necessary to be gathered in order to find out the best fittings for Americans. Apparel industry is also competing with vacation, housing and automobile industries. These industries at some point minimize the level of revenue intended for Apparel industry. Thus, with the consumer and market research, Gap Incorporated for instance will be able to identify the right move in order to stimulate needs for its product offerings at the right timing. There is also another important marketing trend that needs to be understood by Gap Incorporated. This is in line with the declining significance of department stores in the US apparel industry. This is how important marketing research is. It tries to help retailers understand consumer behavior and the entire market in general. Understanding consumer behavior means knowing exactly what they prefer over the other offerings available for them. Gap’s spectacular turnar ound in 2003 Gap was able to remarkably have itself applauded for its honesty with respect to improving the working conditions for the manufacturer of its garments in factories. This created a certain level of trust that promotes more than just a promising output. This remarkably opened up the possibility of increasing customer relationship and to ensure trust and loyalty in the end. Not only that, Paul S.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Mysterious Forest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Mysterious Forest - Essay Example I bet you will worship me after you see them for yourself. I know how much you love a mystery†, he said, tugging at her hands. Keira looked up at her best friend and seeing how earnest he was, she decided that he was not pulling her leg. She got up from the comfortable hammock in her house’s patio and headed off after Daryl towards the forest. Before leaving, she called out to her white shepherd dog, Snow, who she knew was aching for a walk since a long time. As she and Daryl trudged along, Keira wondered how she could have forgotten how far the forest was from her home. It certainly has been long since Daryl and I used to play there as kids, she thought. Aloud, she said, â€Å"Do not leave me in suspense, Dar. At least tell me what those markings look like. Is it related to a UFO or what?†. â€Å"I myself do not know for sure. I saw them in the morning when I went to take some leaves for my sister’s science project†, answered Daryl with a look of co nfusion on his face while he fed Snow some biscuits he had brought along. When they finally reached the edge of the forest, Snow suddenly started barking and tugging at the chain. â€Å"Whoa! Easy girl†, Keira murmured, â€Å"What has got into you?†. Looking around, Keira noticed that it was getting pretty dark outside as they had left for the forest just before night started to fall in. She was just about to suggest coming back the next day, when Snow broke loose of the chain and bounded off into the forest. â€Å"SNOW!†, Keira and Daryl shouted at the same time and ran behind her. Branches and leaves whipped at their hair and faces while Daryl and Keira dashed blindly through the forest. They could hear Snow’s barking in the distant, but no matter how far they ran or how loud they called her name; her barks seemed to be going farther and farther. Daryl started slowing down and whispered, â€Å"Wait wait!†. Keira reluctantly stopped, waiting impat iently for him to catch his breath. The moon was right above their heads by now, allowing Keira to clearly make out the fright on Daryl’s face. In fact, the whole forest was lit up by the moonlight, making the tall trees cast eerie shadows everywhere. Keira felt a pang of fright herself; Snow’s barking had stopped by now which meant that Daryl and she were all alone in an unfamiliar area of the forest. Suddenly, she heard Snow yelp in pain and then everything was silent again. Before she could even react, Daryl started muttering, â€Å"No no no no it cannot be. The markings were on the other side of the forest† , backing away from her. The moon was about to get covered by clouds, but before everything went dark, Keira caught a glimpse of Daryl’s eyes- they were wide with fear and staring past her. She quickly turned around and squinted into the dark clearing ahead of her. But before she could make out anything, she heard the rustling of leaves and the cru nching sound of someone heavy walking towards them from the clearing. Daryl let out a startled cry and took off into the forest, away from her. However, Keira was rooted to the spot with fear. All sorts of things went through her mind, especially the recent news reports on television about children going missing and ending up dead. The snap of a twig brought her back to her senses, causing her to whip around and start running like crazy. Keira did not know where her feet were leading her to because the only thing on her mind was to get away from this place or rather, this ‘presence’. Suddenly, she slipped on the wet floor and losing her balance, fell hard on the ground. While struggling to get up, her hands bumped against something cold and clammy. She jolted with fear, but before she could let out a scream, Daryl’

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Describe What Is Meant By Market Orientation Marketing Essay

Describe What Is Meant By Market Orientation Marketing Essay Market orientation is a business approaches that focuses on identifying and try to meet the needs or wants of customers. Market orientation occurs when the customers identify difference in a company when all the advantages offered to customers are measured. Market oriented companies focus customers wants and for the companies it is a good opportunities arise from changing needs of the market. The advantages of market oriented companies are it would have a higher customer value. Besides that, market oriented companies can do better than their competitor hence it will increase their profit. Company will focus the needs of the customers and try the best to meets their needs due to the level of competitive among the companies is high. Market orientation can be achieved by market research. In market research, the companies are gathering, record, and analysis of data from the customer and market. After analysis the data from customer and market, the company can easily to meets the customer s needs and wants. Based on the case given, Nestle already done their market research about their consumers and the result shows that their customers needs want more information about what they eat and drink. Nestle try to understand the economic, geographic and social factors which affects the diets of the consumers and try to concentrate on the nutritional and health value of the products. Example, Nestle have used their research and technological expertise to their ice cream products to lower the calories and fats and yet to have the same taste. In order to promote their product as a healthy product, Nestle provide the information about their products to the customers by using visual form of Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs). GDAs symbolic will make consumers to easily understand and make correct decision on the average amount of nutrients that they consume over an average day. Moreover, Nestle also focus on their customers and to understand their physical desires. Nestle have many products and consumed by all age of groups. They have introduced sugar free products like Polo and lower sugar product Kit Kat Light. Thus, it is clear that Nestle is market oriented companies since they are trying to understand the customers and market needs in order to achieve organizations goal. Using an example, explain what is meant by business ethics. Ethics are the moral principle or values held by those within the organization. For Nestle, in order to be ethical in operations, Nestles decisions are guided by a series of business principles. The well-being of consumers and employees is central to its business principles. For example, one of the principles is Nestle recognizes that its consumers have sincere and legitimate interest in the behavior, beliefs and actions of the company behinds its brands in which they place they trust, and that without its consumers the company would not exist. Business ethics is a study of what is constitutes right or wrong, good and bad. It also means the human conduct in a business context. Business ethics can influences the decision making of one company. One of the examples of business ethics is in the situation when the company deals with their customers. The ways that the company deals with their customers is they must treat them fairly and honestly. It means prohibiting the employees from cheating the customers or providing them misleading information. The employees should not hide the true price of a products, services and policy and trick customer to buy the product. They should not promise more than the product or services can deliver. Nestle practices a good business practice which the company play an important roles in the development of Guidelines Daily Amounts (GDA). The company added the visual form of the GDAs in the front of the pack of each product. Hence, every customers know the information of the amounts of calories, sugars, fat, salt, saturates of each product. The company also did not exaggerating the GDA in their product. It can show that Nestle is practicing a good business ethics. Question 3 What is the purpose of having business principles? Business principles are basically the guidelines used by business organizations. These principles play an important role as they influence the decision making of a company. Besides that, they serve as a supporting tool which provide a reference point and guide to the detailed implementation for the companies. There are several purposes of having business principles. First of all it acts as a guideline for the employees to follow in order to achieve the goal of the company. Business principle of a company is an approach to create a shared value between the shareholders and consumers besides influencing how the employees of an organization should behave. Nestle has its own business principle. The Nestle corporate business principles are the basis of the company culture. It has been developed over the span of 140 years. Nestle is committed to the following business principles in all countries, taking into account local legislation, cultural and religious practices. All these principles provide clear guidelines for employees and help them make choice which reflects the companys ethical stance. The first principle is Nutrition, Health and Wellness. The purpose of this principle is to enhance the quality of consumers lives every day, everywhere by offering tastier and healthier food and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Nestle express it through their corporate proposition Good Food, Good Life. Next business principle is quality assurance and product safety. Nestle name represents a promise to the consumer that their product is safe and of high standard. The third principle is consumer communication. Nestle is committed to responsible, reliable consumer communication that empowers consumers to exercise their right to informed choice and promotes healthier diets and respect their consumer privacy. The fourth principle is human rights in the business activities. Based on this principle, Nestle fully supports the United Nations Global Compacts (UNGC) guiding principles on human rights and labour. The aim is to provide an example of good human rights and labour practices througho ut their business activities. The fifth principle is leadership and personal responsibility. Nestle companys success lies on its people. Nestle corporate treat each other with respect and expect everyone to promote a sense of personal responsibility. They recruit competent and motivated people. Nestle also provide equal opportunities for every employees development and protect their privacy.The next one is safety and health at work. This principle is basically designed to prevent accidents, injuries and illness related to work. The seventh principle is supplier and customer relations. Nestle require their suppliers, agents, subcontractors and their employees to be honesty, integrity and fairness. The eighth principle is agriculture and rural development. This principle shows that Nestle wants contribute to improvements in agricultural production, social and economic status of farmers, rural communities and in production systems to make them more environmentally sustainable. The next principle is environmental sustainability. Nestle commits to environmentally sustainable business practices. At all stages of the products life cycle Nestle wants to strive to use natural resources efficiently and target zero waste. The final business principle is water. Through this principle we can see that Nestle is committed to the sustainable use of water and continuous improvement in water management. This is because the world faces a growing water challenge and that responsible of management. Question 4 Use examples of business organizations known to you to illustrate examples of ethical decisions and comment upon why you feel those decisions to have been ethical. The decision of the Tesco to going green is an ethical decision. Basically, going green is mean to live life in a way that is friendly to the natural environmental and is sustainable for the earth. Going green also means contributing towards to maintaining the ecological balance in environment and minimizes the harm that the community do to the environment as a result of inhabiting in the earth. Tesco took several ways to achieve the objective of going green decision. Climate week is one of the ways that the company going green. Climate week took place to help tackle climate change. Tesco sold the Climate Week- branded Bags for Life on Buy One Get One Free. Tesco have achieved highest weekly sales of Bags for Life. If just 10% of the customers reuse their Climate Week bags, it will save an additional 2.3 million carrier bags per year. By this Tesco can helps to reduce the use of plastic bags. The reduction in the use of plastics would help in the conservation of energy. Besides that, Tesco had lots of green offers in stores and sales of the climate Week T-Shirt to raised money for the Environmental Justice Foundation. Besides that, Tesco also become the first supermarket that has carbon labels their own brand products. Tesco labeled hundreds of products which help customer to make greener purchasing choices. Tesco carbon label show how much of carbon dioxide is emitted from the production, use and disposal of each product. The products which have carbon label are orange juice, washing detergent, light bulbs, milk, kitchen and toilet roll. Tesco also provide automated recycling centre that help customer to recycle their plastic bottle, cans and glass. Tesco provide a recycle machine to make the recycle process simplest. The automated recycling centre enables the customer to recycle their things easily and hence it can also encourage them to recycle. Recycling help in reduce greenhouse effect. Gas emission occurs during the disposal of product that is not biodegr adable. If the greenhouse gas emission reaches the dangerous levels, it will cause the change in temperature globally. Therefore, Tescos automated recycling centre can help reduce the manufacture paper, plastic bottles, glass and also can save energy needed to manufacture new products. Tesco also give Green Clubcard points for those customers which recycle two aluminum cans. Another example of company that illustrates an ethical decision is Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad. In line with its new mission of Helping Malaysians move forward in life with trusted dairy nutrition, Dutch Lady has launched its two-year plan which is Sugar Reduction Campaign to aggressively reduce sugar consumption via its product ranges. Dutch Lady plan to reduce the sugar consumption by 40% or 2700 tons by 2013 from its current level as one of its effort to improve nutritional profile of its products. Research carried out shows that sugar consumption in Malaysia is averages 26 teaspoons a day, which is obviously more than the recommended average of not above 10 teaspoons a day. This has caused many people will suffered from obesity and diabetes in our country. Dutch Lady said currently around 32% of its total stock are made without any added sugar and by the end 2013, the company aims to reduce annual consumption of added sugar by over 2700 tons. This effort will begin with the withdrawal of its sweetened creamers starting from December 2011. Currently, 110 of its total products were made without added sugar. Dutch Lady is trying to replace sugar with natural sweeteners and also reformulating the products based on emerging nutritional science and as a new idea of healthy choice options which can be consider. The company also believes that consumers will replace sweetened creamers with evaporated or UHT milk and take one teaspoon of sugar every day as this will help to reduce the sugar consumption in the long run. This will be followed by the introduction of the improved range of existing products with 25 per cent less sugar namely Dutch Lady Kid, Dutch Lady School and Dutch Lady Low Fat Drinking Yogurt. By showing these products with lower sugar contents in the product, consumers will expect that the sugar levels to be reduced in most of Dutch Ladys products. This will attract more consumers to buy Dutch Ladys products as it is good for health. In our opinion, Sugar Reduction Campaign carried out by Dutch Lady reflects that they are making ethical decision for their business. This campaign is also part of Dutch Ladys corporate social responsibility programme and business sustainability efforts as a commitment for helping Malaysia become a healthier nation in future. This campaign also aligns with government and medical fraternitys effort to promote healthier lifestyles amongst Malaysians as well as to help educate Malaysians about the negative effects of high level of sugar consumption. Besides, it is also aimed to improve the health of consumers by reducing the amount of sugar consumption in a day which is not good for our healthy. The lower the level of sugar consumption in a day the better it is as it will encourage consumers to have a healthier lifestyle. This means that Dutch Lady also concern about their consumers health besides aim for earning high profits only for their business. The action taken by Dutch Lady refle cts that company is responsible to continuously work towards improving the nutritional profile of its products line by making some improvement to its existing products. Thus, it will also encourage positive reputation to the company as consumers will loyal to Dutch Ladys brands in future.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Business Plan to Launch a Graphics & Web Design Company Essay -- Techn

Proposal for the Development of a Business Plan to Launch a Graphics & Web Design Company Introduction In today's business world, many consumers prefer a company's presence & position on the internet. E-Business is a magical marketing tool for most companies. The term attracts attention and affects the fundamental tasks of a company's day-to-day operations. Companies have not confused the financial woes of various venture capitalists in the dot-com industry with the wide-range of possibilities offered via e-business. If positioned properly, a company could effectively influence the opportunities on e-business in a well-managed manner. The real potential often comes with the application of various tools and concepts associated with e-business to the basics of business; as well as, using these tools to bring about new levels of competitiveness to companies. The presence on the internet is basically about shifting the thoughts of the former business world. It is no longer true that in order to conduct big business, you must be a big business. The internet has virtually evened the playing field in the small vs. big business arena; however, the marketplace is still an increasingly complex division where positioning is key to standing out from the crowd. Proposal In order to become a participant, a company must actively work to become partners with their customers. A company must formulate a strategy that will focus their resources where they have the greatest i...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Air Asia Background

ALBUKHARY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION STUDIES PROGRAMME 2011-2012 ALBUKHARY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION STUDIES PROGRAMME 2011-2012 Assessment Task: Team Project (10%) Type of assessment: Four persons in a team Starting Date: Week 5Ending Date: Week 10 Learning Outcome tested: 1. LO1 – Explain the difference between data and information, the economics and problems associated with information. 2. LO2 – Distinguish between different types of technologies for acquiring , processing, storing, disseminating and communication data or information 3.LO3 – Discuss the various types of information systems that are in use by various organizations. Assignment Specification and Requirements : Currently, most of the organizations are prefer using Information System (IS) to organize and coordinate their data, Information and records. Information System is present to support the organizational activities. IS providing organizations with advantages as follow: * al low organization to increase market share/profit to better negotiate with suppliers, to compete with competitors * help in managing/keeping records, organizing information, analyzing data * help in make a better decision Assume that you work as a Manager at IT Department in your organization and you plan to implement new system for organization/department. The purposes of introducing a new system are to achieve organization needs and to improve performance of the organization. Requirements: As a Manager at IT Department, you need to prepare a report to the top management.The report is to propose/advice the top management about IS. The report should consist of: 1) Cover page with project title, subject name and code, student names and ID 2) Report should be in 10/15 pages 3) Includes table of contents and references 4) Computer-typed report The contents of your report should be as follow: 1. 0 Introduction 2. 1 Information/Background of Organization 2. 2 Business Strategy 2. 0 IT Arc hitecture 3. 3 Current method used in organization 3. 4 Explain why you need Information System in Organization 3. Describe the structure of IS 3. 0 IT infrastructure 4. 6 Identify IT components used to create and build IS 4. 7. 1 Hardware 4. 7. 2 software 4. 0 IT Personnel 5. 7 Staff involve in IT Infrastructure (e. g. IT Officer, Programmer, System Analyst, System Developer, IT Technician) 5. 8 Explain Roles and responsibility of IT Personnel 5. 0 IT Services (system used in organization) 6. 9 Detail Description about system 6. 10 Explain the function and services provided by the system 6. 0 Estimated Cost